xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Insomniac, Rambling

Hello Insomnia, my old friend.

So I have been feeling bleh all day yesterday and it woke me out of a nice cnooze and now I just cant get back to sleep. So, here I am. I have spent teh better part of an hour perusing tromp l'oeil murals and dreaming of the day that I might wake up with magical artistic talent that would allow me to draw on my walls and magically pull out a window overlooking an Italian garden. OK, I just used the word "magically" twice but I cant think of a different word, so whatever, magically it is. Damn I need sleep.

It has been harder to be off work than I remember. Although I have plenty of busywork to keep me occupied, somewhow, my days seem to drip with unimportance and I feel a bit surreal when I wake up with Julia, expect to have to go...somwhere...and remember that I am stuck at home, too dizzy to even contemplate wrestling my tired body, my squawking baby and a stroller on a bus to get to some mystery destination where I would likely spend non-existent money on things that would clutter up my home thus defeating the purpose of decluttering.

Wow, I think I am more tired than I think.

In any case, things are otherwise alright. We are still sorting out the landlord thing. He called yesterday while I was out having cheesecake with the girls and seems to have morphed back into Mr.Calm and Reasonable. Let's hope that he remains this way when he realizes that we have contacted a lawyer (whee! we just qualify for pro-bono status. sigh) and might slap him with a big ole "screw you". Hey, if that saves me $1600, I'm all for that, baby.

OK, I am going to try to lie down again and maybe the room will stop spinning.

4:52 a.m. - 2004-01-10


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