xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Cleaning Blitz

So last night about 8pm, I had just woken up from a mid-evening nap and was still in that kind of bleary eyed zone--you know the one, eyes still at half-mast, mind a bit of a blur. Yeah, then the phone rang and it was the Landlord. Who wanted to know if it would be possibly to show the house today at 11am.

Yeah, you can imagine the state my house has been in. Half-packed boxes, toys strewn left, right and centre. Papers in haphazard stacks and bags and bags of recycling, garbage and things destined for the Goodwill pile.

Galvanized into action by the possibility of having a tenant take over our place in March (thus saving us the hassle of dealing with the penalty, etc) hubby and I launched a massive plan of attack. By 2am, I was the last one up, picking up the last of the lint from the carpet. Our place was transformed, a thing to behold. Piles of recycling ready to be taken to the curb, car loaded to the gills with donations, and garbage overflowing from our garbage bags. All unsightly boxes filled with brand new bedroom suite furniture shoved out of the living room so the first impression when you walk through the door wasnt "Wow, look at the massive ugly box, blocking all other things in the room". Yeah, it was craziness.

And, no, I didn't lift too many heavy boxes. So now our place looks like a mere shadow of its former cluttery self and although I might agree it looks nicer that way, I still miss the comfort of my clutter. Does taht make sense? I dont know, i spent so much time sorting things, tossing things and generally getting rid of things so that i might have a room that looks the way it does now--empty. And I am not happy! Well, i am, maybe i am just bored. After all, with all that stuff gone, there is nothing left to do but put things in boxes and leave. yeah sounds easy hey?

We still have to agree with our landlord about what we are going to do. He has suggested that if he can get a tenant for March 1st, then we would pay only half the penalty ($800, rather than $1600)and all would be well. Well, I'd rather pay him nothing than $800 and we'll see what happens when we go to talk to the lawyer on Tuesday.

8:27 p.m. - 2004-01-11


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