xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Mama's Got Bins, Baby!

So I have to admit that while I am a bit worried about teh financial state that my not working will leave us in, I havent been all that proactive in finding new employment.

Oh sure, I sent out some resumes, and even got hinted at for a job or two, but all in all, its been a time of fairly uninspired job hunting. Oh and packing. And sorting.

Speaking of which, I went out yesterday and got my birthday present for myself. And what, inquiring minds want to know, did I pick for myself? I got 7, yes SEVEN Rubbermaid bins. 68L of blue bin goodness. Yeah yeah, I know it SOUNDS like a lame kind of present. How cool is organizational stuff after all. But for me, dude, this is very cool. 'Cause I can ALSO use my labelling machine WITH my bins. Ahh nerdy.

OK, I did have other, more birthday present-y type things that were floating around as possibilities--the Josh Groban CD, for instance, or a pedicure for my poor feet, or a gift certificate for that Death by Chocolate dessert (Joseph's Technicolou DreamCake--gah...better not drool on the keyboard) that I have been dreaming about since we had it a few weeks ago. Oh, and the big one that I still have ben thinking about asking for--digital prints from Superstore are $0.29 each. I figure 100 of them ought to be good. And not outrageously expensive either. Hmmm somthing to tell hubby...Then I can actually get caught up on scrapbooking.

Especially now that all my scrapbooking stuff is in ONE PLACE. Yup, you got it, in a blue bin :)

10:58 a.m. - 2004-01-13


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