xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


A Good Day

Today felt like a good day and I think that it was because I spent a good chunk of it out of the house.

We awoke to a leisurely morning, with yogurt and toast for breakfast and Nemo on TV (a welcome respite from Lion king's everlasting presence). Julia played by herself while I did dishes--a chore that seems to stack up rather quickly but one that I enjoy nevertheless--and then I made us soupa nd sandwiches while waiting for hubby to get home for lunch. We all sat down together to eat, which has become a nice routine for us, and then hubby dropped us off for a walk down Whyte.

We went to Chapters where I debated buying "The Red Tent" not because I didnt know if I wanted my own copy, because I do, I just didnt know if I could get a better deal on it. So we tooled around, Julia ran amock a bit in the kids section, earning us a bit of a dirty look from the sales lady. Hey, I say, if you have a kids section, be prepared for some little hands to touch easy to reach things. And then we ambled down to see Rach at Bugs. She played hide and seek and ran around with Rach while I perused the discounteed items and ended up with a great deal on three diaper shirts. We got back on the road, stopped to check out the Wee Book (just in case a mysterious phenomenon of "Red Tent" books had appeared on their shelves, which, sadly it did not. Julia obligingly fell asleep in the stroller and we made our way onto the bus to meet Dev at home.

We had a lovely chat--every so often positive that Julia would awaken and interrupt our talk, but she snoozed right through til he got up to say goodbye--just as hubby came in the door. It was nice to sit back and shoot the shit for awhile and reminded me that I ought to do it more often with more people.

We enjoyed a nice meal of turkey fajitas and now I am feeling a bit more content and settled. It might have to do with the letter that we drafted last night to give the landlord that would basically put the onus on him to take the next step while reminding him that we were indeed leaving at the end of February. Oh and we asked too that he respind in writing so that there would be less opportunity for miscommunication. Then, too, we would have exactly what he wants in blacka nd white. So that feels a bit more under control. As much control as we can have given our circumstances, you know?

So that's the story so far and perhaps things will change tomorrow, but for now, I am going back to packing, since, come hell or high water, we are moving in about 5 weeks.

But first, a hot bath. Well, warmish anyway :P Damn pregnancy.

6:39 p.m. - 2004-01-15


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