xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Baby News

So we went to the doctor's for a prenatal appointment and we got to hear Peanut's heartbeat for the first time!!!

It was very exciting, 130 beats per minute. I think about the same as Julia's when we first heard hers. It was a bit fuzzy and faraway but even Julia could make it out and, as she sat up on Daddy's shoulders, she bounced along to the beat.

I gained two pounds from the last time I went in, bringing me to about 10lbs total gain so far. Which, again, is about where I was with Julia at this stage of the game. Except that I am beginning to look a bit like a house because the ten pounds I have gained looks more like 30.

My blood pressure is still crazy low and I still get dizzy without much provocation. But it doesnt happen too often and as long as I control my temper, it usually doesnt happen in teh course of a normal day. Of course, I still only drive every so often and there are days when I would rather lie in bed all day clutching my burgeoning belly than think of getting up but that isn't an option.

Still, every morning, Julia will wake up and play nicely in her crib with her favorite stuffies and her yellow blanket for about a half hour before complaining that she "want milk" and "mama? bi-pur? stiiinky". Then I get up and she plays around my bed for another half hour while I watch, read books to her and generally rest up for the day ahead. What a hard life, hey?

I get to have an ultrasound at the end of February and blood work (bleh) to make sure that I am not anemic and to check my blood sugars. I am hoping that this time around I will not tip over the borderline gestational diabetes line that I was toeing last time around. Somehow I think that I am going to have a boy and though the thought of raising a boy frightens me a bit, I am looking forward to the surprise at the end.

I just came back from Erin's Martini party (which was amazing and good and the house was so divine, I had immediate and profound house envy) and they had bought a jar of pickles especially for me. I was tickled and delighted by their thoughtfulness. It was nice to dress up (Hurray for strech velvet--even if I did feel like I had a bowling ball underneath my dress) and eat cheese and meet new and old people. It did feel odd to be the one there who had one kid, much less two, but not in a terribly awkward kind of way.

My cravings for pickles seems to have tapered off, that is I am not eating them at every meal and then some, and I have become a bit more protein ravenous. Give me peanut butter. With a spoon. Well maybe not that bad, the carbohydrate cravings are also back and I can eat a loaf of bread in a day, all by my lonesome, so that seems to go along with the peanut butter thing quite nicely. Julia seems to be keeping pace with my eating, however and now weighs a whopping 23 lbs! I know! For example, this morning I boiled four eggs thinking that she would eat one and I would have three (on the possibility that I would eat three not the certainty, you see). Alas, she ate two whole eggs, plus a bowl of mango chunks, and a bowl of banana. It was a bit obscene. So I was left to handle the other two eggs, which actually worked out quite well in the end, I thought. Our grocery bill has begun to accelerate at an alarming rate and it seems like we are making trips to the grocery store so much more often.

OK, I just had a surreal experience. Julia asked for milk, which is common when she is ready for bed. But as I was holding her and debating whehter or not she was tired enough to go to bed, she pointed to her bed and said "sleep". So we put her down. And now I feel a bit bizarre about the whole thing. I mean, its good and all, its just weird. Next thing I know, she'll be tucking herself into bed. Sigh.

9:45 p.m. - 2004-01-16


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