xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


This, That and the Other

So things are as done as we can get them on this end.

We forked over the penalty check and he signed a rather non-descript piece of paper outlining our agreement. And so it ends. He seemed to be rather concilitory at the end and we had some small chit chat before we made our excuses and left. I suppose in the scheme of things it wasnt the worst way to end things and it might have gone a lot worse for us. Anyway, I am glad that it is over.

Now we turn our attention on keeping our place looking tidy and ready to show to prospective tenants while steadily packing up the little things into the multitude of boxes that await our stuff. We need to arrange for carpet cleaners, for both places, and to book the date for the movers. It's so hard to think of all the things that will undoubtably crop up between now and the midst of February but I think that it will be SO much easier now that I have had this burden lifted from my shoulders.

I think though, that since I have cleared out so much of our seating from our living room and we have to keep the place as spotless as possible for any house showings, I will need to postpone my birthday get together til we move and just have it in the new place. I cant think of where or what I'd want to do and it is becoming really short notice to line people up for this weekend. I cant say that I am not disapointed because it would have been nice to have people over to celebrate Chinese New Year and my birthday, seeing as how they are happening concurrently, but I shall deal with it and remember to have something similar once we get ourselves settled in the townhouse. Sigh.

For now, back to packing and tossing and sorting out the things of my life which used to have such importance and now I struggle to recall why I kept them in the first place.

In other news, I must be relaxing a bit becuae I have inhaled two books in the last two days. One, a YA book called "Journey to the River Sea" by Eva Ibbotson, which was rather like a newer more exciting version of "The Litle Princess". The other, "A Thousand Acres" by Jane Smiley, which left me woefully neglecting my child as I got so caught up in the turmoil and parallels to King Lear. It was so good, I want teh book club to read it so we can talk about it. Oh, and speaking of book club,. I think that we should take our "Red Tent" discussion to Earl's for Margherita Mondays, it's that good.

Well, I guess I should stop this rather disjointed entry and go put my girl to bed.

9:33 p.m. - 2004-01-19


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