xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Year of the Monkey

Happy New Year!

It is now the Year of the Monkey, and since I believe that Chinese New Year last year came after my birthday and ended before my birthday this year, I can only surmise that I did not have a birthday in the last lunar year. Sigh, it is the small idiocies that keep me awake at nights, you know?

Outside the snow is softly drifting over the house, settling into the small slush piles left by last night's rain. Despite the oddity of the weather patterns, it is pretty and a fresh blanket of snow will be a nice change from the dirty slush that currently cakes everythingin sight. I can feel that things have shifted in my household when I am able to sit down (hurray for naptime) and write about something so inconsequential as falling snow.

I've been feeling a bit under the weather lately, but not in any way that can be pinpointed. That is, there are no real symptoms, just a feeling of general malaise.

We have just heard that may have our possession date moved up to the Friday rather than the original Sunday date because it is a long weekend. That said, I dont know if it would be odd to take possession of a house on Friday the 13th. Hmm. It kind of appeals to hubby's rather morose sense of humour, I think. And, now that I am thinking of it, I also find it funny that Friday the 13th kicks off the Family Day long weekend. Call me weird...

Anyway, I havent been able to find any mention of our place listed for rent. Good thing that we didnt go for the "pay until new tenants are found" deal. At this rate, it'll never be rented. But that's *not my problem* so there we are. BUT, I have decided that becuase there is no obvious listing of the place, I've let the housecleannig slide a bit. And packing has gotten a bit more haphazard too. Eh.

I've also come to the decision that I am going to start to pack up the books anyway. I mean, we can leave some books up for "show" as it were, but there is no reason to have all three bookshelves crammed with books until the very last minute. Oh, and if anyone has any big packing boxes (like for clothes and such) that they are looking to get rid of, we'll be glad to take them.

I cant decide if I like manic packing blitzes or packing like this, over the course of a month, better. They both have their drawbacks, I suppose. At least this way I actually have time to consider what will be put where in the new place. Hmmm.

Yuo know, I intended this entry to have a bit of a wider scope. You know, what the year will bring adn all of that. So here it is: moving, new place, new job (maybe?) baby and baby and baby. Oh and potty training too, if we are lucky. Luck, it's in the eye of the beholder.

Much luck and love to all of you out there--let loose the Monkey.

12:21 p.m. - 2004-01-22


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