xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Birthday Eve Musings

I can't believe I am going to be 27.

Every year I say that I can't believe how fast the last year has gone, that so many things have changed and yet so much has remained the same. And every year as the calendar rools from one day to the next, birthdays do not really make you feel any differently. There is nothing so drastic about that shift in age that pinpoints exactly how you grow up, how you have changed your paradigms, how you have separated yourself from whoyou wre to who you are. But still, edging closer to 30 makes this particular transition have a bit more...flavour.

It feels so cliche to say that life will looks so much differnt at 30 than 27, or 28 or 25. But the reality is that when you can say to people, "I'm 30" they have different expectations of you than when you were in your 20's. Heck, I would have different expectations of myself once I am able to say that i am 30. And there is something about approaching 30 that is becoming more poignant. That is, I feel like I am shifting myself to prepare for that transition.

Birthday weekend kicked off kind of on Friday when Gwyna and K came by to shoot the shit for awhile, to kick back and play some Scrabble and a bit of Cutthroat. It was nice to find that time and rustle up some tea and just enjoy one another's company. Today, with a rousing birthday song at choir and then family dinner in the evening, I could almost forget that I was bored silly at home. There's not enough packing left to keep me interested, no one updates nearly as often anymore, and Julia entertains herslef so nicely sometimes, I feel like I am just impeding her play. So I slink off to have a long bath and a nice YA read, sip some juice (living on the edge, that's me) and then I feel rejuvenated enough to sit down and plonk out this rather insipid entry. Tomorrow, of course, is the much anticipated brunch at Barb and Ernie's with guests from across the country and people that I havent gotten to talk to in awhile. Very excited and looking forward to taking Julia to see the PetExpo in the afternoon. I cant even imagine how excited she'll be to see a camel. Hee.

Looking back, it feels like I have completely embraced the dull life--looking forward to a PetExpo? And yet, it has become one of those facets of life that I have come to prefer. I was invited out to the Druid but I wasnt too thrilled with the idea of being in a hot sweaty smoky bar. I guess I have really become a bit of a fuddy-duddy. Oh well.

In other news, Julia has taken to calling me "mom". She sounds so much older now! *sob* Daddy is still Daddy, why couldnt I be Mama for a little bit longer?

11:28 p.m. - 2004-01-24


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