xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Blessed am I

One last thing on birthdays.

It was nice, brunch was, even if we did annoy the heck out of the staff there. I was pleasantly surprised with the amount that I managed to eat off my gargantuan dish. I know, these days I should be less surprised with eating copious amounts, but hey, a surprise every now and again (daily) doesnt seem to have left me any worse for the wear. I got to hug my favourite people in the world and got some gifts that have left me gasping with gratitude. I think, if anything, growing up makes people more thoughtful gift-givers and I am so, so lucky to be surrounded with the most beautifully thoughtful grown ups around.

Afterwards we trucked tired and cold Julia into the PetExpo where she was a bit too tired and cold to enjoy it--at first. She was a bit timid of the big dogs and the little jumping ones really just made everyone back up a bit. She *loved* watching the pony ride going round and round and was a bit fascinated by the dromendary camel. But it was the petting zoo that really peaked her interest. Maybe she had just warmed up enough to wander about and laugh at the farm animals but it was very sweet. She especially loved the ducks corraled in a corner, quacking adn chasing random bunnies away. It was strange though, they never seemed to bother the pot bellied pig that would occasionally pass through. Pick your battles, I guess.

She "oink"ed (full body oinking, of course) and "baa"'d (at the passing "seep") and marveled at the "wow, sopt" bunnies, stoping every so often to "'a-doo-a-doo" with the rooster that I couldn't ever pinpoint the location of. That done, she perked up outside of teh fenced zoo area and pat some dogs (still a bit wary of the horse-like Bull Mastiffs) but snuggling up to some adorable Shiba Inu puppies. All in all a nice not too strenuous time. We headed back into the outrageous cold and fought the Renovation Show traffic to take us back home.

On the way home, Dwayne gave me my bday gift ("The Hours" and the special extended edition of "Dances with Wolves"!!!!!) and we made plans for dinner. Once home we discovered the frantic calls from our landlord at his wits end trying to get ahold of us to show the place, arranged a suitable time to do so and told him that, in future, if we werent home, to show the place to whomever he wished. We tidied up, made dinner (Mmmm Pork chop Parmesan...) and made plans to ahng out with M &M.

It was a nice ending to a nice day (evil cold weather aside), even with "The Hours" not being the most uplifting life-affirming movie. We played an interesting board game called "Wit's End" while Julia horsed around their brand new 52" monster TV. Hubby has TV envy, but I think that they have a bit of house envy so maybe we are a bit even. Ha! Julia obligingly fell asleep on the way home and ddint fight me at all when taking off her pink fluffy fleece beast.

And now, the day is done, there is naught to do tomorrow but enjoy being indoors while the snow rages outside and perhaps to pack a bit more into the dwindling pile of boxes. At some point we are going to replenish our stock but not yet and that fact is more than a bit comforting.

So I go to bed, a step into the beginning of middle age (ask Hubby for an explanation of this one) and supremely comfortable with my place on this branch of the journey.

Blessed am I.

11:56 p.m. - 2004-01-25


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