xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Roller coaster

OK, I keep intending to write but somehow there always seems to be something else that pops up and pulls my attention elsewhere.

Packing is going slowly, now that we are heading into the home stretch, I think that I am going to have to step it up. We have had very few people come to see the place and we had decided to leave some things up (like books and DVDs) for the sake of appearances. A bunch of empty shelves and piled up boxes are really not that appealing to look at, after all. But now that we are heading into February, we figured that they can go jump in a lake. Now I jumst need to get my packing vibe back. Sigh.

Things otherwise are looking pretty bleh. I've given up on looking for a place to work because I have such bad days now (Wednesday was brutal, I had to lie down every 20 minutes or so to keep the room from spinning too fast) and there really isnt a job that I can think of that would be able to accomodate such unpredictability. So to make up for the financial loss, we are talking really seriously about having a home-stay student in our new place. After all, we have the room and it isnt that hard to make an extra serving at meal times. It might be difficult to adjust to it at first but I think that in the end we would all come out ahead.

Julia had her last baby shots and will not have to go back until she is about 5 years old for the next set, which is nice. She is about 23 lbs and about 31" tall, which is more than we had hoped for and she seems to be on track to be a normal kind of kid. Weird tendencies aside, that is. Ha!

So, in a nutshell, things are back on the rollercoaster ride. Some days things are really good, some days not so much. But we travel along on a somewhat even keel hoping that the good days will soon outnumber the bad ones by more than a small margin.


5:26 p.m. - 2004-01-30


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