xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Books, the New Moon and Updates

So yesterday's book club discussion on "The Red Tent" went well, I thought.

Granted it took awhile for some of it to sink in, prenancy brain being what it is and all. Still with the lively conversation surrounding so many of the book's chartacters it was very interesting. Makes me want to go back to the Bible and read up on the characters that she based the novel on. We determined the next two books ("Good Omens" and "Thousand Acres") which is nice to have in advance so that I can try to squeeze in some reading downtime into packing and moving days.

Speaking of packing, I've kind of gotten my packing groove back. I started in on my books, carefully trundling them away into sturdy boxes, a silent study of each title as they go in. It's kind of nice to know that I can still (mostly) recall the plots of the novels and the jists of the non-fiction books on my bookshelves. Hubby often accuses me of having too many books on my shelf and that I couldnt possible be able to keep up knowing all of them as intimately as he knows all of his books. While it may be true that I can not visulaize where I was when I first read the book or know what song played in the background as I was reading it, I do not have the same sensual associations with my books as he attaches to his reading experiences. Neither, however, do I need to create specific environments in order to read my books. So I guess its a trade off I am willing to take.

The 15 days of Chinese New Year is drawing to a close this week and I found Julia a very cute outfit to celebrate the new moon. (In a somewhat unrelated aside, "m-on" (moon) and "a-pane"(airplane) are her two favorite words of the week.) You can see her in her New year's outfit here. There is one on the opening page and also another on the 18-24 month page. She was hamming it up for Nemo, as usual. Whatever it takes to make a good photo op right? Yeah. Well, I should go back to packing. It will be weird to be internet-less for awhile but I have suffered it before and I shall endure it again. But not until I absolutely have to :P

10:42 a.m. - 2004-02-03


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