xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Stressed about Stuff

So, I'm starting to panic a bit.

The mortgage documents were signed and if all goes according to plan (and hubby doesnt get hit by a bus *knock on wood*) everything should be set to go for the 13th and we can take possession as planned on the 15th. We are now in debt up to our eyteballs and will be for, about 20 years and one month. Exactly. Unless we speed up the payments.

I dont know if there will be lights or heat in the new place, although hubby tells me that it shouldnt be a problem. I am getting a bit on edge about the fact that we have pretty much run out of boxes and there is still stuff everywhere around me. It really doesnt look like we are going to be leaving this place a week from tomorrow and there are a number of things that I havent finished and havent got a clue that I ought to finish. That is, I dont have a firm grasp on what needs to be done yet. Except maybe panic a bit. OK more than a bit.

I think the stress is beginning to get to hubby too becuase even though he claims to have had an OK day, he is grouchy as hell and snips at nothing and everything without being outwardly snippy. Does that make sense? It's like he's sending out a "I'm PMS'ing, watch out" vibe. Yeah glories, just what I need right now.

I've finished packing up the books on the bookshelves and they look sad and dusty. Julia seems to be coping alright with the boxes mounting and the books disappearing. I think that she'd rather play in the boxes than have them filled right away but, eh, what can you do with a week to go? I think that it is time to lay out clothes for the week and put away more dishes and pots. After all, even though I felt the odd compulsion to bake a cake a few days ago (I couldnt very well *just* eat Cool Whip, could I?) I dont think I can or should indulge those whims this week.

So, to sum up, stresed, need boxes, and a bit cranky. Sounds like the perfect runner up to moving week to me. Sigh.

7:45 p.m. - 2004-02-07


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