xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Reunion Weekend

I didn't think that my sleepless night last night would bode well for this day going off on the right note but nevertheless it was fine.

Just another day, with time spent cuddling Julia, getting things together for the weekend and planning out the way things would hopefully pan out. I'd waited too long to send an email asking people to come over for Tea and Talk on Sunday and knowing that it is Reunion Weekend and all, I have little chance of having anyone coming out at all. Nevertheless I asked and it is out there for people who have been asking to come around to do so. Hopefully if Mel isn't too busy after spending time with her parents I can swing by and pick her up, seeing as how I live so close to her parents and all. I didn't get much opportunity to spend time with her during her Reading Week--which was also coincided with Moving and Hell-in-a-handbasket week with Julia's latest seizure for us here--so I am hoping to catch up on some time this weekend, short though her visit may be. I think that I have the car as much or as little as I need it for the whole wekend so that is handy too.

Tonight is one of the events for Reunion Weekend--the Bob-era get-together--and I am going to stop by for a bit to see who shows up, hopefully to talk with some people whom I have not visited with for awhile and generally get into the mood of the 60th anniversary excitement. Tomorrow morning is a rehearsal, which I am not entirely sure I am going to attend, the girls are getting together to have their hair done (as we did lat year) and then we have dinner plans with Matt and Michelle before the big concert in the evening.

I am a bit nervous about it. There seems to be so much energy rising up towards this concert, this anniversary, this last year of singing (for sure this time!). Last Saturday's concert, while technically fine, lacked energy both from the crowd and from the choir. But the chapel in Camrose is a harder venue to sing in, I think, and the luxury of singing at the Winspear generates energy and excitement all on its own. But there are going to be people comparing every piece of music sung, as they are all pieces sung in years gone by. And every piece will ring some sort of melancholy or joy in most every alumni there as they recall singing that music in their time. I suppose all I can do is let the wave of music rise up, let the joy of making that music wash over me and be carried along to that place of melancholy and joy that resides in my own understanding of the pieces and their places in my heart.

And I am especially looking forward to the Alumni party afterwards--seeing old freinds, singing old standards, reconnecting with that feeling that choir really was the place for me, the feeling of belonging, of family.

Sunday will bring about the end of the weekend, saying goodbye to those who came to share the music, however briefly, and perhaps some tea and company before Sarah's b-day hurrah in the evening.

So goes "The best laid plans of mice and men..."

4:15 p.m. - 2004-03-05


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