xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Pain explained, somewhat

So I went to the doctor today and inquired about the miseries that prevent me from walking and moving without discomfort and upon examination she found that this or this is basically what is happening to me, though perhaps it hasnt gotten to the diagnosable stage yet.

Did this make anything feel better? Of course not.

Her advice? Take some extra strength Tylenol and don't pick up your kid. Oh and try not to walk up and down the stairs of your house, hey dumbass? Was this helpful? Not particularly, no.

Fortunately, I have more resources at my fingertips than just my doctor and I went to the health nurse today (Hurray for Health for 2) and she had some good recommendations (heating pads applied in certain places, tips on how to get Julia up and into my arms while putting the least amount of strain) and it was nice to know that lying down with drugs isn't my only option.

And then, more glorious, first prenatal class we attended for this pregnancy was tonight and they described some labour stages (yes, this is as something that a body might go through in, oh, the month before birth--a month! a month only take me to 33 weeks, eek) and after class the nurse took the time to describe and walk me through practical ways of ensuring that I am helping rather than hurting my pelvic bones through this. She demonstrated how to get up out of chairs, out of bed, etc. And it was all of a sudden more complex and harder than I wanted it to be, but it was a technique that I instinctively knew, even as I watched her and did none of the movements myself, that it was not only possible but likely that iwas going to need to adopt these things into my daily routines because they would undoubtably work.

We watched two deliveries in class and felt rather underwhelmed by both--too much Birth Story on TLC, methinketh. But we were flanked by couples that had (1) never given birth and, more importantly, (2) had never seen a delivery of any sort, except perhaps in movies. It was far more amusing listening to hubby's ongoing commentaries and watching their reactions to it all. I dont ever recall feeling as blindsided as these couples seemed when I first saw a delivery. Perhaps I was, but imagine being 8 months into a pregnancy and having no concept of what lies ahead? Frightening, really.

So now i am in a bit of a quandry--life as normal has come to a bit of a halt as they say this condition really only stabilizes or worsens until I give birth. But I have so many things I'd like to do that require walking and moving. You know, stuff like living with a toddler. At the same time that I want to ensure the best possible environment for Peanut to grow in, I need to preserve a bit of normalcy for Julia and hubby too. Not to mention my own sanity.

This too brings up the more difficult decision as to whether or not a VBAC is still a viable option. I have an appointment on June 4th with the doctor who did Julia's c-section and we shall see what advce pans out there too. I hold my breath that all works out in the end and that I am not going to be disappointed with whatever decision needs to be made.

Suddenly i am aware of how much I had pinned on being able to do this naturally. Hmm.

10:56 p.m. - 2004-05-18


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