xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Good News, Bad News

As with most things these days, news is both good and bad. We'll start with the good news since it makes the bad news a bit easier to bear, I suppose in a way.

The good news is that I had my appointment with my OB (the one who delivered Julia by c-section) and after examining me, she determined that although it sucks to be in so much pelvic pain, I would not have a more difficult time having a normal VBAC. So that is good news, since I have really been pushing myself to grasp the idea that I will *not* another c-section, if at all possible.

The bad news, which is not news really since I was already pretty painfully (literally and figuratively) aware of--the pain will only get worse from this point on. There is really nothing that I have been able to do to make it easier when I have bad days. On top of that predicting good days from bad days has become a bit like reading one's daily horoscope and hoping that it will reflect what your days will be like.

Last night was terrible and restless as Peanut is getting ever larger and pushing the limits of where he can go in my cramped uterus. It's not even so much that he is pushing hard that makes it hurt so much (although it does too) but every time he moves, I have contractions that tighten all over and makes even the slightest wiggles and movements that much more noticeable. Gah. Don't even get me started on how much my hips hurt. I tell you, I can't believe that i have two more months of this.

Then again, I cant believe that in two months I will have two little babies and twice the amount of stress in other ways. I am struggling to imagine having to haul two little ones out of the car, pack a diaper bag with two entire sets of diapers, clothes and other assorted necessities. It will take me twice as long to get places and I will have even less time for myself that ever.

All of this also happens to coincide with the snivelly cold that Julia picked up which of course, rubbed right off onto me. I spend these beautiful sunny days alternating between shivering and sweating.

One of these days it has got to get better, right?


Oh in another news, my thoughts go with SJ as she goes through a very exciting day.

10:58 a.m. - 2004-06-03


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