xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Happy Canada (Ketchup) Day!

There have been a big lapse in my writing here and i am feeling the guilt of it every time I sit down here so I am trying to make up for it by settling myself into the groove once again. At the very least, I will try to catch up on the things that I have been intending to write and have simply not gotten around to. When I was in school we used to have ketchup days. Consider this one of those days.

Now that Julia's bday has come and gone, I am feeling the pressure of July coming up fast and furious. Scrapbooking, thank you cards, birth announcements, Weddings-showers and the big events themselves, and of course, baby, baby, baby.

Yes, here I am, still pregnant and sweltering in the heat that has broken through the coldness of the spring and burst into the gloriousness that is summertime on the praries. My ankles have taken on the puffy sausage look and my poor belly is now ringed with so many new stretch marks I find it hard to look down at it without cringing. I have a ring of stretch mark around my completely flattened out and distended belly button. This is more horrifying than you would ever imagine it to be if you understand the intensity with which I abhor attention being paid to my belly button in any normal circumstances. To think that i now have a permanent ring around it...gah. My doctor has confirmed that I have carpel tunnel syndrom in my wrists now and sleeping is as much a chore as a relief. Does that make sense? No, not to me either. The contractions have stopped causing me to pause in my tracks all the time and most days I can ignore the fact that I move like a snail and grimace in most unflattering ways as I go about my life. I have mastered the art of moving my pelvic bones to hurt the least and find that my days are much more pleasant as a result. I still pick Julia up more than I should, and feel a twinge of guilt tha i am unable to hug her as closely or as often as she (and I) would like. Still, I am surviving each day and hoping that things will come to a head sooner rather than later in the month of July so that i can move from this set of complaints to the next set, which of course will also be baby-related but in a much more intense kind of way.

I had a little adventure last Thursday night when I kind of misjudged how big my belly has gotten and inadvertenly slammed it with the car door. Yeowch. It was OK, I guess, in that "well dont do *that* again" sort of way, but then Julia decided as we were laying on the couch together watching TV to slam her head into me in the exact same spot that the car door hit my belly. It was after that that the contractions started to get worse again and I had a very tender sore spot. So we called in the reinforcements and made off to the hospital so that I could make sure that my placenta wasnt coming off in that spot and that the baby wasnt stressed out with all the rough and tumble excitement of the night. call it a dry run, so next time that I *actually* need to go to Labour and Delivery, we know what to do. BTW, since I am still pregnant, you can assume that things that night were fine. Peanut showed off for the resident on call and wowed everyone with the constancy of his movements. Wowed everyone except maybe me. Oh and hubby, who just wanted to go to sleep.

This country that I am bringing my child into has recently gone into an upheaval in government and though I am not thrilled with the results, I suppose that it is better than it could be. A minority goverment ought to be, in theory anyway, more accountable becuase there are so many more hands stirring the pot. All eyes are on the governing body now to see what changes will be made, what promises kept, what scandals swept aside. it will be interesting to say the least and though I dont often use this forum to post my political thoughts or leanings, I will be watching.

Since my thoughts are all piece-meal anyway, I figure this entry should be too. I finished reading a book called "Carrie Pilby" by Caren Lissner, and will embark on the incredibly popular "Baby Whisperer" series of books next. I have been reading an inordinate amount lately, and find it both draining and stimulating all at the same time. Simultaneouly my appetite has increased (is it possible? yes, apparently it is) and I have had an insatiably thirst that has actually woken me up from apparently sound sleep to waddle off to find satisfaction. Of course, it could all be related to the arrival of summer, right?

I think that I must be a few grains short of a load to be handmaking thank you cards and birth announcements but somehow I just cant let it all go. And to top off the insanity, my brain is buzzing with *new* crafty things that I have no time for. I know, i know, I'm drawing the line, honest.

Before I end this incredibly disconnected entry, I have to note my sadness at losing my Healthy Family visitor. I am sure that I have a whole entry for this unto itself that will slowly bubble its way up to the surface of this forum but until that time, here it is. She first met my daughter when Julia was 6 weeks old and I was greener than grass. I had read all the right books but when it came down to it, I was absolutely terrified. She was marvelous, calm and steady and talked about everything we had to talk about plus all the things I never would have assumed would matter but did. She has moved on to other things now and though I am glad that she is finding new things to challenge her and fit her abilities better, I am incredibly sad to lose her as a friend and resource. They say that now is a good time to transition with a new home visitor, what with baby coming and all, and that Julia will already be spinning with new thigns to handle anyway. But I dont know that i wouldnt have wated at least *this* to remain constant, at least for a little while longer. sigh.

Well, I am hungry and thirsty again, and it is long past my bedtime. It is, incidently, my favorite holiday of the year :) and I should at least make some attempt at being well-rested to enjoy it.

Happy Canada Day, all.

12:13 a.m. - 2004-07-01


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