xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Still Preggo

Well, its Friday now and there are only 13 days til my actual due date and despite all the excitment that appeared to be happening inside me, nothing has changed. Except, maybe I look even more beach ball-ish (if that sounds possible) because of the way the baby has dropped.

Its OK though because my Angel of Love is getting married on Saturday and I have a lovely maternity outfit all picked out. It will be a scorching hot day (+30 apparently) and the church felt stuffy even almost empty today during the rehearsal.

It was very interesting to be at a real wedding rehearsal (that is, one that was so unlike my own debacle) and rehearsal dinner. I had a good time and had a nice break from watching Julia. I should mention right now since I am thinking about it, how much I love nad appreciate my husband for all the times that he has taken her without much notice and has even begun planning activities to do with her the week that Peanut will be here so that I can have some time with just the baby. A year ago I dont know that I would have written the same thing. Of course, a year ago I never would have dreamt that I was going to be 9 months pregnant and attending an Angel wedding either.

In other exciting news, Julia is sleeping in her new big girl bed! The mattress arrived today and while I was out taking Julia wading at her cousins' house, hubby put it all together! We arrived home to much fanfare and showing her the nifty new bed. She was suitably impressed, i think. I was a bit afraid that she would need me to be beside her for awhile to fall asleep but as it turned out she rolled over after having some milk and completely ignored me. Of course, the fact that it was an hour after her usual bedtime and that she hadnt napped all daymight have had a hand in tuckering her out too. Still, my baby is growing up!!! *Sob*

OK, I am off to bed. Tomorrow is another hot one and I find that I am much less energetic than usual (usual being snail-ish, so think lethargic snail, sigh).

12:36 a.m. - 2004-07-16


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