xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


False Alarm...again

Well it's almost 11pm right now, I just spent the last 6 hours in labour and delivery only to be sent home with a UTI, having been re-hydrated with 3 bags of IV fluid and confirmation that my cervix has only dilated 1/2 cm even though I have been having contractions (which could be not even real contractions, despite the fact that they fit the "criteria" of what a contraction is). I suppose a part of me was happy that I had changed at least a little bit since my last exam on Tuesday.

I am hot and a bit upset at having gotten a little excited and wish that things would just hurry up already. I left the wedding gift opening early and didn't really have time to mingle with those I would have liked to more.

The wedding was lovely, of course. The bride was radiant and the groom look star struck in happiness. I got weepy when she walked down the aisle but she held it all together admirably well. It was a gorgeously sunny day and the heat of it was as incredible as the pureness of the joy that emenated from the day. The sanctuary was hot but not unbearable, for the most part. I left my shoes off for the bulk of the ceremony hoping to alleviate at least some of the swelling. It didn't really work that well.

The reception was good, even if the speeches ran a bit over time. I think that is par for the course for weddings and at least the dinner started right on time. I had an extravagant meal and savoured every morsel.

Later, dancing was a bit awkward (like dancing with a watermelon tied to your hips) but fun. Maybe too much fun becuase I started to lose my dinner midway through the night. It got to the point where I couldnt even keep water down for long and I left earlier than I was hoping (but just after the happy newlyweds) because I was feeling so crummy.

Sleep was fitful, with the heat, humidity and intermitten nausea and contractions. I timed the contractions as they became more regular--about 5-6 minutes apart and about 1 minute in duration. Things were looking promising but I knew that I had been tricked before so we set off for the gift opening hoping to notice some other positive labour sign before going to L & D. When they began getting a bit stronger and I still couldnt keep anything down, we decided to go, the worst they could say was "go home" right?

Well, kind of. We dropped my girl at my sister's place and made our way to the hospital. I checked in, got strapped to the fetal heart monitor and the uterine contraction monitor and set about discovering how much fun waiting for nothing to happen can be. A urine test showed that I had something to worry about and that I was dehydrated from the intensity of the heat and not being able to keep anything down and all. So they hooked me up to a garden hose of an IV (my poor little veins being so difficult to find that they had to call in an anethesiologist to do it), dumped in three bags of IV fluid and some gravol to keep my nausea at bay and then concluded that I was not progressing at all so I was told to go home and wait for the real deal to show up.

I still feel yucky, still have pains in my back and abdomen and still want to throw up after eating (although I haven't really gotten sick since this morning). My parents made a surprise visit to the hospital (whee) after "accidentally" discovering Julia at my sister's place earlier. They fussed and brought me food and water and asked where the baby was. I could have strangled them with their good intentions. Did it look like I had a baby hidden in the bathroom?? Sigh. I know I ought to be more grateful but I just walked out almost completely tangled up in my IV pole and monitor cords, hung all askew around my neck, to find them there in my room looking expectantly at me and I almost lost it. If I had wanted to see them, I would have called, honest.

Stay tuned, maybe one of these days, I will actually have a baby.

10:47 p.m. - 2004-07-18


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