xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Julia's Adventure

So I think that we might have to invest in a permanent parking spot at the hospital. No sooner had I resolved never to set foot in that place until I had a baby bursting out of me, Julia had an adventure of her own.

Well I dont know that I would really classify it as an adventure so much as a nightmare but it ends happily enough, considering. See, she had been tearing around the house in fine two year old form when she suddenly tripped up on the carpet and landed a bit funnily. She cried for a moment and asked for milk and her blanket (her favorite comforts) and I lay her down on the couch with Baby Einstein du jour. She was so quiet, drinking her milk (I noticed she was only using one hand but the other one didnt seem to be bugging anything) but when I went to get her off the couch she went hysterical when I tried to touch or move her non bottle holding hand. WTF? I called for hubby and we called the HealthLink nurse who told us that she could have done anything to it and that we should take her in to a doctor soon to get checked.

Bundled carefully into the car and to the ER where I swear the Triage nurses were having a betting contest who I was actually there for-myself or my child. We established that I was fine and not in labour but that my girl couldnt/wouldnt move her arm at all. They sent a doctor to see her right in the waiting room--she was freaking out (she has had a HUGE phobia of people in medical uniforms what with all her febrile seizure adventures) and it was decided that x-rays were in order.

I had to say here that I will never go back to that hospital x-ray room again for my child. I will drive all the way to the Children's hospital because the techs were so atrocious that I was ready to commit murder by the end of the whole ordeal. I mean, considering that they thought her arm might have been broken, they were wretching it around and slamming her hand down on the table. My two year old girl had to be held down my FOUR people to get 6 pictures done. Of course, I had to wait outside (x-rays and pregnancy being one of those no-no type things) and just listen while they did all sorts of things to my poor confused girl. She's 2--how on earth was she to understand what they wanted her to do? Especially in pain and wild with terror at the thought of medical personnel in the first place. Gah. In any case, when she finally came out, my hubby was ready to pull the tech's heart out and slam it on the table and we seethed about it since she had begun to move her arm again in the x-ray room in order to keep it away from the evil woman. Julia fell asleep in my arms from sheer exhaustion and we waited for the results. And they showed NOTHING. No break, no fracture. Maybe it was a joint that had popped out and back in again. Maybe it was a sprain. Maybe it had just fallen asleep. Whatever it was, it was gone and we could go.

So we went home. And then we had dinner at the Olive Garden--by which time Julia and her arm seemed to be back to normal. Whew.

9:00 p.m. - 2004-07-28


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