xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


My little ones

My little one is loud. And not in a crying kind of way, although when she does cry, she is loud in that way too. No, she is loud in little ways--grunting, squeaking, moaning, groanng--that add up to a noisy child. I was amused the other day when Julia came to visit us in bed and we all fell asleep...until Elena started up again. I awoke again, wondering where Julia had gone and, upon investigation, I found her back in her own bed fast asleep. You know it's bad when your two year old (who can sleep through a lot of things) can't sleep through her sister's noisiness.

Now that Elena is a month old, she is starting to spend more time awake than asleep and has also begun to be increasingly less impressed to spend her awake time in her bassinet. Instead, she sits up in the bouncy chair and watches the world go by, gazes for longer periods at the toys we prop in front of her and tracks the toys that Julia dangles in front of her with more accuracy.

Julia remains fairly enchanted with her, still wanting to pick her up, pet her and smother her with affection. She has added new phrases to her ever increasing vocabulary "Mama, Where's Away-na?" "Away-na? Where are you?" and my favorite one-"Awww, Away-na, you're OK" (This last one comes when Elana cries out and I am on the way to see her)

A lot of people say that second children are not as verbal as first borns because their sibling will talk for them or translate their babble for longer periods of time, but given how noisy Elena is, I amnot sure that this will hold true in my family.

It is such a miracle to watch this unfolding of personailities. I have thought more about the possibility of returning to work and the more that I see of my children's interactions, the less I want to miss. There will be time later when they are pushing away that I want to embrace this moment--it wont be long before Julia gives up holding onto me while drinking milk, it wont be long before Elena decides that she doesnt want to nurse anymore, and-- much before either of those things--I am sure that it wont be long before I wont be able to hold them both in my lap this way.

11:54 a.m. - 2004-09-01


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