xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Last bastion of babyhood

My older daughter likes to hang onto my bra strap when she gets tired, when she's drinking milk and when she wants some comfort.

It started out harmlessly enough while she was nursing and would gaze up at me with a milk mouth smile and those melt your heart brown eyes. In the beginning she would wave her arms around a bit too randomly for my liking, like a roving wildcard punch waiting to happen, so I was glad when one day her chubby hand latched itself onto the nearest strap and hung there for awhile.

For the first little while, it was an odd sensation to have her hanging off me like that but over time it grew to be as much a confort for me as it was for her. Once she weaned herself I figured that she would stop with the strap thing, but alas, it was not to be and she persisted. I let her because we were moving and didn't want to stress her out more than she was already getting.

And on it went, through multiple other excuses until we reach today. Although it irritates me more than it ever used to and isn't the first thing that she makes a dive for when she gets tired or upset, I figure that time will help her move even further away from this habit, will make her one step more independent, make her less of my baby and more of my girl.

It's one of those sad dichiotomy's that beng a parent has become--wanting to push them to grow up, wanting to keep them close. She's given up on baby food and doesnt give rattles more than a cursory glance, she is growing out of her last sleepers with feet and doesnt want to be rocked like a baby when we sit down. Sh can sing the alphabet from J to Z (and sometimes from E-Z) and counts up to 12. She can identify hexagons and planets (Earth, Mars and Pluto are her usual answers) and can sing me nursery rhymes when she thinks other people arent listening. So amidst all this big girl stuff, I am kind of glad that she still needs me for something that no one else can provide. I guess I'm not really ready to have my baby grow up too fast, and especially now that I have my little one, its hard for me to remember that Julia is still only 2 and if I didnt have a younger child, she would still be my baby.

12:00 a.m. - 2004-09-22


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