xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Thanks Be

Yesterday I cooked a 7 course Thanksgiving dinner. (Roasted turkey, glazed ham, potatoes-mashed and scalloped, creamed corn, Caesar salad, and oven-roasted yams. And of course, the requisite cranberry sauce and gravy. Oh and cherry strudel and pumpkin pie for dessert.)

I really enjoyed the process of making dinner, the methodical decisions of what to make when and which recipe to try this time around and so on. I really like cooking for a large group of people and miss the days when I used to do this for my friends on a semi-regular basis, just for the heck of it. Its funny how things go sometimes. In any case, I might perhaps consider doing this more often, just as a way of gathering people together for a nice sit down meal and a chance to catch up on each other's busy lives. It is something that doesnt happen nearly often enough.

We had 10 people at our dinner table, a nice mix of family and friends, and there was laughter and conversation and food. And if I had nothing else, being surrounded by such love would be more than enough for this gal.

My children were well-behaved and charming and it was overwhelmingly great. We finished the night off with a round of careds, in which it became apparent that I must have cooked my brains along with the turkey, the way I was playing, but it was hilarious and fun nonetheless, which is what matters most of all.

I cleaned up a I went, for the most part and that meant that I only spent about a half hour today washing up the dishes (which is something I enjoy doing anyway) and have plans with my family to take in the provincial museum exhibit and let my daughter play in the beautiful fall leaves.

I am a bit tired, its true, but mostly, I feel extremely lucky that I have the life I have, that I am able to celebrate the freedom of this holiday in peace in my home, to be surrounded by my beautiful family and to feel comfort and joy within myself.

Thanks be for everything.

2:12 p.m. - 2004-10-10


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