xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Centennial Celebration

It is the centennial anniversary of our fair city and to celebrate the occasion, all city facilites were free on the weekend. It is amazing how many people will come out of their little hidey holes to indulge in a bit of culture once that magic word is uttered. As though having no admission costs somehow makes the museum and art gallery suddenly worthy of spending the afternoon enjoying. Are we just as guilty? Perhaps.

On Sunday we took in the provincial museum, or at least one small portion of it. They had reconfigured an entire wing of slightly freaky looking stuffed animals and arranged them in a charming diorama of exhibits. My Julia, the animal freak that she is, was utterly enchanted, running from exhibit to exhibit exclaiming over the animals that stood patiently behind panes of glass to me stared and shouted at. They didnt even mind when she thumped the glass to say hello. Needless to say we are not alternating between the museum and zoo often. It would give the poor live animals at the zoo a complex to have to compete. Her favorite display, though, were the coyotes which came with a helpful button which, when pressed, produced a paroxism of yelps and howls.

On Monday we took in the Odyssium, our city's space and science centre, although now that renovations are complete, should be "science and space centre", since the focus has completely shifted towards the science aspect of life, much to my nerdy space loving husband's dismay. If I thought that I could linger and look at all the interactive displays through the entire centre, I must have had my head in the clouds, since I ended up spending most of my time sloshing in the undoubtedly bacteria laden water tables in the toddler discovery zone. I did persuade her to play with some blocks for a bit but we left soon after to avoid further nuclear pre-nap meltdown. I will go back one day and enjoy browsing the Mystery Alley and put together the CSI-ish clues.

Both places were completely packed with strollers, families and seniors. While it wa nice to see so many people out and about Edmonton, I think that it would be nice to see places busy at other times of the year as well. On that note, I think that we are going to make more of an effort to enjoy those places more often so that if another one of these "free" weekends comes up we wont feel pressed to go, just because we can.

I am looking forward to delving deeper into our city's 100 year history, I thin that there are a lot of little things that I wasnt aware of that will make settling here forever somewhat more interesting.

1:36 p.m. - 2004-10-12


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