xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Holidailies: The Madness Begins

Holidailies are here again and with it a promise to try and post the requisite number of entries (20) in the month of December(++). And when you look at it, 20 entries doesnt seem like much, I have a lot on my mind these days and I am trying really hard to figure stuff out and this is a great place to brain dump and mull things over. Yet somehow the days always seem to catch up to me and sell me a bit short. But not this year, by golly. This year I have resolve. And gumption. And all sorts of other adjectives that I shouldnt ever try to type out at 11 at night. After all, NaNo has come and gone and I no longer have a need to spew extra crap out just to up my word count.

I have reasonably intelligent things to tell you. Like how I am FINALLY PUBLISHED here on Toasted Cheese and how much great feed back I have recieved about my story and how wonderful that feels after failing miserably at my NaNo project. Writing is one of those things that I do at the oddest moments in my day and sometimes the end result is both surprising and enlightening. Or sometimes, like now, it is just mindless drivel. I hope that you hang around for both this month. I promise to try to keep things interesting.

Interesting can be a great adjective, if a bit inadequate, to describe how my days go. Elena is teething like a mad woman, drool spewing out of the corners of her mouth, sliming unsuspecting people who pause to ooh and ahhh. I find a splat of the good stuff sends them on their way pretty quick. It wouldnt even be so bad if it were some normal semblance of teething infants, but no. My girl has to sprout a molar. A MOLAR. Like give me fricken break, kid. So my little angel who used to lay in calm serenity for the entire day has now taken to fits of screaming anger, rage making her delicate features purple and her brows furrowed in pain. it hurts to watch and it hurts more to endure it.

Especially if you have subsided on little sleep and have daily wrestling matches with a toddler who is running through another growth spurt. Her growth spurts, naturally, marked by a evil turn in temperment and nasty diaper rash. Oh and an increased desire to control the way things go. In the car, we are driving along and suddenyl I hear a screech from the back seat, "Go dat way!!!DAT WAY!!!AGHHHH! peese??" I glance in the rear-view mirror to see my darling girl pointing off the bridge in to the icy river. Oh sweetness. Wouldnt you like to know how close I was wanting to follow your lead.

The weather doesnt help. Rarely does a sudden 30 degree drop in temperature result in happy tidings. No matter how much more it looks like Christmas. Well that's not true. I like the way it looks. I just dont like how bone chillingly cold it has to be to look like Christmas. A light frosting of snow with somewhat balmy temperatures would have sufficed, you know?

11:13 p.m. - 2004-12-07


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