xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


101 in 1001

Many people make Resolutions at the turn of the new year. SOme think about what they are going to do with their year ahead of time, plan out what they would like to accomplish and set out with a vague idea of how to get it done. Others concentrate more on surviving the old year before plunging into the new one and allow themselves the luxury of the idea that with the sweep of the second hand past midnight, a new leaf is turned over and with it all the bad habits and false intentions wiped out to begin anew. Still others have only a small inkling that there is something that they'd like to change, but inertia and laziness prevent more than a cursory glance through their lives to change something. This latter desciptor was me.

I was always slow to make resolutions, always sure that something would prevent me from completing my goals, and perhaps that was part of the problem, that I was always sure that everything was never going to get done, it was a self-fulfilling prophecy. So this year I set out to do something different.

I have compiled a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days . I found the original link here and was inspired to join the challenge. Enough time to realisitically complete things and yet enough things to keep me occupied in a productive, focused way. I am hoping that the motivation to complete my list will not falter in a month or so.

Hope that others will be inspired in turn and find their own challenges to face.

6:20 p.m. - 2005-01-05


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