xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


A Penny for...

It seems to me that pennies used to only be good for pitching at people, for dropping on the ground and for leaving in penny dishes for other people. I never thought that there would come a day when I would want to fill my pockets with them, to have them in my change purse and keep them around "just in case". But now that I have a preschooler who is excited about little things like wishing fountains, charity containers and vending machines, having change on hand has become a matter of some importance.

Where else can I buy happiness like that for a penny? The thrill of watching a penny going around and around a circular cone shaped wishing well is quite unmatchable and one that never seems to grow tiresome as we deposit penny after penny in the little slot.

Last night we were rolling coins and Julia was completely enchanted by the "orange circles" and would carry them around, making her sweaty little palms coppery and metallic. The other coins, while somewhat interesting, held her attention for only a moment. The orange circles being far better currency simply because they were different.

Since I dont know how much longer I can gurantee that a penny will stop the escalation of a monumental tantrum over a molehill of an issue, I had better keep them handy.

2:46 p.m. - 2005-01-15


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