xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Brag Book

So I now have yet another journal site. Only my Brag Book is much better because it has PICTURES!!! Yes, this is the replacement for my girl's websites (which, incidently are back online but because they are hosted by Tripod and not iVillage anymore, I dont know how to access them so I can edit them) and I will post most recent pictures on the Brag Book.

I am liking the unlimited image hosting that is offered through the blogger/ hello partnership. I especially like the free part. If you are a person who lives far away or are seldom by to check out the gazillion pictures I take of my children on a regular basis, for heaven sake, go download the program and add me to the list. Yes, my name is Xeryfyn on there too. It is like the best instant messenger/photo sharing/blogging tool I have ever seen. Boy, do I ever hit their target market or what?

In other news, I havent finished th eother entries I promised but I will get to them..Plus about 10 other things I meant to talk about but didnt. But this entry was supposed to be all about bragging so go and look at them already :) Let me know what you think. There are comments open on all the pictures.

10:13 p.m. - 2005-03-24


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